Extensive data mining, combined with targeted research is an essential part of investigating and comparing organizations, products and services.
Almost in any case we start with identifying our benchmark universe: An extensive list of companies in a given sector or products and services fulfilling identical needs. Often, large sets of data need to be generated, analysed and evaluated to narrow down the universe we are going to investigate in detail.
But it does not end here. Sometimes, for the comparison of organizations, products and services large sets of data need to be carefully evaluated. Examples are
- Patent research
- Pricing research
- Analysis of terms and conditions
- Website analysis
- Transparency and compliance analysis
Our main source of information are publicly available, either directly from the companies or assembled in third party databases. In addition we use customer surveys and mystery research to indentify company, product or service-specific data.

In some cases, we can rely on automated data collection through crawling. Our analysts use Python to collect and process extensive data sets. Partly, however, our analysts need to carry out the task of collecting and analysing the data at hand.
Our toolset allow us to generate and examine comprehensvie and complex data sets. Advertisers and consumers both benefit from this capability: The larger the sample and the more detailed the data, the better benchmarks and rankings.